
   d-maps > 留言簿

Really love your website. I've been working with maps a lot and your website is saving my life. I keep my ad-blocker off on your website and click through ads whenever I use it. Please keep it going!
I always appreciated d-maps for sharing precise and the best quality maps for free.
Congratulations with the nice and useful website! At school we are often using these maps.
I absolutely love your website. It has a whole lot of maps in a bunch of different formats.
Thank you so much for offering your website full of helpful maps! We have used d-maps for years and recommend your website to others.
Thank you very much for the service your website provides. Your website is an excellent resource for those who need all different types of maps! It is the best of its kind on the internet that I have found so far.
... And thank you for providing this service. I use your maps in my Global Studies class and appreciate the variety and organization.
I love your maps--they're great & I use them for making photobooks of my travels ...
thank you so much! This free site is incredibly helpful for me, and you must have put an enormous amount of work into it.
I don’t know whos the philanthropist behind this, Thanks for your great Work you do every day...
I'm so very impressed by the amazing selection of maps provided on your website and also for your generosity in allow such liberal public use...
Thanks a lot for providing these maps for us! I really appreciate that you made them available for others - great.
This is very useful material: many thanks for sharing it.
Bravo pour votre site, je l’utilise régulièrement pour mes élèves de lycée.
Hello--that's a GREAT site you have!
Thanks a lot for sharing all the maps in vector format. It’s an amazing website!
A friend told me about your amazing site of maps! This will be so helpful to me as I homeschool my children.
I am writing to thank you for making your excellent maps available for all to use. Our family uses them all the time as our children are learning world geography.
Je suis enseignant dans le domaine touristique à la Commission Scolaire de Montréal et je suis littéralement en amour avec vos cartes...
Words can not describe how amazing your website is. I can not tell you how hard it was to find quality maps in vector format that I could further edit in Illustrator. Your website has got to be my most favorite that I have found this year and as a teacher, I will continue to use the source for many years to come. Thank you for making it free and for providing this service to the public. You rock!!!!
I thank you for the wonderful service you are providing on d-maps.com. I only recently discovered it.
Mis más sinceras felicitaciones por su programa que nos ayuda a mí y a muchos usuarios a poder ver e imprimir unos mapas que nos resultan utilísimos. Les animo a seguir con su servidor informático abierto para todos. Muchísimas gracias para los creadores y colaboradores. Felicidades también para todos los usuarios que como yo hemos tenido la suerte de encontrar esta súper página WWW. Un saludo.
Jesus Manuel
I'm very impressed with your website and want to thank you for the great service you provide in making these map images available! Thank you.
I have written before concerning your maps, but I just have to take the time and tell you once again how wonderful the site is and how much we use it for our geography lessons. The maps are so varied; I can choose from more in-depth maps for the older students to less detailed maps for the younger set of children. Thank you so very much for the hard work and effort that doubtless goes into the making and maintenance of such a glorious site.
Love your maps. I teach World Cultures/World Geography they come in very handy. I use them all the time and I have sent other teachers to your maps.
Thank you for uploading so many wonderful maps. We use them in our Chinese class every week to learn about different provinces in China. I'm very grateful for all the time and effort you put in and please keep up the great work!
Thank you for such wonderful maps! We use them for all our geography and mapping skills work. There is no comparison in competition. This site is the best!
Je tiens à vous remercier pour les cartes que vous mettez à disposition et avec la variété de formats que vous proposez. Voilà plusieurs années que cela me permet de bâtir les fonds de carte que je propose à mes élèves.
Your maps are wonderful and I really appreciate being able to use them.
Best ever site with loads of maps….really thank full
Your web site for maps is fantastic. It provides the exact maps I have been looking for to finish my presentation.
Je tenais à vous informer de la publicité concernant votre excellent site que je souhaitais mettre sur le blog qui est le support d’un concours de cartographie entre classes de 4ème de trois collèges. Vos cartes nous servent en effet de support pour que les élèves leurs travaux.
Sans le travail que vous faites nous ne pourrions pas faire le notre ! Soyez en remercié !
Hello, I am a homeschooling mother in Italy, that would like to complement your mapsite: it is really a lovely site!
Merci pour l'adresse de votre site, c'est excellent.
Merci et bonne continuation, je ne me manquerai de consulter le site régulièrement, ainsi que mes élèves.
First I like to thank you for providing blank maps. I use them frequently when I build distribution maps for my work at the botanical garden in Osnabrück, Germany.
In search for country outlines I discovered your site today and I LOVE it! Thank you very much for putting this up!
Some dude in Holland
I love this website and I use it all the time, for projects and reference or for special interest.
I recently came across your web-site d-maps and was impressed with the selection of outline maps to choose from.
We were most pleased to find your website with the high quality outline maps of Pakistan and provinces.
Merci, What beautiful maps!
As they say in Brazil: “Muito obrigada”
Congratulations for you website, very usefull.
Je vous remercie d'avance et j'aimerais que vous transmettiez mes remerciements au créateur de ce site qui permet d'utiliser son travail gratuitement.
Thanks for your site and content, it is just great!
Thank you very much for creating d-maps.com.
It is extremely valuable for educational and learning purposes.
I visited your website d-maps.com and found it a very helpful source of maps.
I love the site (d-maps.com) and have shared it with many colleagues. I know it would be much work
Your maps are a very useful resource
You are awesome. Thank you.
Je suis tombé par hasard sur d-maps.com, et je suis ébahi face à la qualité de ce travail !
J'enseigne la géographie à Nyon, en Suisse, et cette ressource est fantastique, pour les enseignants comme pour les étudiants.
I am a teacher at a small school in Oregon, USA. I have been teaching geography and related subjects for many years. Your website, d-maps.com, is among the very most helpful I have ever encountered. Thank you for making these wonderful maps available to us.
I'm an italian teacher, I want to thank you very much for your site!
It's wonderful, expecially for the teachers!
Great resource - thanks for letting me know!
Thank you for providing the web site details. We receive many requests for blank outline maps and will add your site to our brief llst of external links.
Library of Congress
My name is Carlos ... from California, USA and I recently visited your website that deals with maps of different countries and continents and I would like to say that I'm very pleased to have discovered it during my search
Wow, thanks ! That's an incredible resource! It now is linked from my Blank & Outline maps category of resources...
And I have blogged about it on my home page. Thanks for letting me know!

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