
   d-maps > شروط واحكام الاستخدام

All the maps in this website are copyright protected.

They are modifiable, free for any use - even commercial - under the following conditions:
-The exact URL where the original map comes from must be mentioned
-The number of maps is limited to 10 per publication (website, DVD, Book...)

Failure to comply with these conditions or using a website copier software may result in a ban on the IP address concerned but also legal proceedings for non-compliance with intellectual property laws.

D-maps.com is not responsible in case of unavailability due to a host failure or a DdOS attack.

The proposed maps are mainly intended for school use, so they do not have the precision required by some scientific publications.

Boundary shown on the maps do not imply official recognition or acceptance of them.

Place names are most often written in English because it is the language of the majority of d-maps.com users.

The majority of large scale maps are drawn from a Mercator projection.
For Planispheres, the scale is calculated from the equatorial territories.

For any additional details or particular asks, please contact us : webmaster@d-maps.com

| المعلومات القانونية | شروط واحكام الاستخدام | اقتراحاتكم، ملاحظاتكم | سياسة خاصة  CopyrightFrance.com